Just watched this video and was challenged again to inspect my own perspectives about money. After being in Hong Kong for about 9 months, I realize just how much my life is driven by my possession or the need to find security in the things I own. And now that Michelle and I are starting our lives together and making a home, I wonder how easy (or difficult) it would be for me to give all these things up if God asks me to.
In Matthew our Lord says, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul." And here I find myself calculating next year's salary, how much this or that costs for my wedding, trying to find the thriftiest way to cut a corner when my attention should be on Christ and the reward and joy of following Him.
In the video, Shane asks such a startling question about whether I'd be willing to give up my ipod if God asked. If I were asked by God to give up my iphone just because and to simply give it away, would I? And how much harder would it be, if he asks to have my life and spend me in the way he wants.
It's such an irony that as the recipients of the blessings that God has given us, we've chosen to horde and act as if they belong to us instead of passing them along as we should. They never belonged to us, they were lent to be freely bestowed on others because God's blessings are too good to keep to ourselves.
Amen, Shane Claiborne
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ReplyDeleteI deleted my previous comment by accident! Anyway, I just wanted to say I like your post. Thanks for sharing!