I had a thought as I awoke this Christmas morning: 'I wonder how God feels today?'
'I wonder if He's as happy as I am that it's Christmas today?'
'I wonder if He's overjoyed to see me excited about heading to church, celebrating with family, and eating a giant meal?'
'I would think He's happy for me to have these blessings. But I wonder how He really feels?'
I wonder how He feels on the day the whole world should know the real reason they are celebrating, but only a select few understand that Christmas isn't just about gifts but about the Giver himself.
I wonder how He feels on the day we celebrate with family He remembers how it cost Him to have us IN His family - yet most of us could care less about having a relationship with Him.
I wonder what it took God to come from heaven to earth, a palace to a manger. How did he feel? Was He broken for the circumstances He chose to begin with? Or would he be more tornat the circumstances for which his story would end - at the cross with Himself broken and rejected by men?
What was it like for Christ to be in one moment in the perfect warmth and fellowship of the Trinity and the next to be an innocent and incapacitated baby? What was it like to one moment be holding Creation in your hands and being held the next? What was it like to relinquish all that power and truly become nothing.
I wonder how it is for God.
Somehow I know that God says in His word it was worth it and that blows my mind. It was worth it for Him to rescue His elect, to be misunderstood and rejected by the world, and to give up His rights for the sake of His beloved.
Somehow it was worth it to God.
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