2014 was a huge year for us. It was a year of change. It will be remembered as the year we walked away from our jobs to head into the unknown in Taiwan. But beyond that, so many people, places, and events made this year so memorable. We want to take a look back and remember God's goodness in how He has led in every step of the way!
Technically our family trip to Cambodia started in 2013, but it went into the new year, so I guess it counts. Truly one of the most breath-taking places I've been to. A friendly people but a nation with a sordid past. |
On the trip, I picked up one of the most powerful books I've read at a souvenir shop. It's a book written by OMF missionary Don Cormack outlining the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime and how the Cambodian church was decimated in the Killing Fields. More than that, the book outlines God's sovereignty in building up His church through persecution. A very intense and inspirational book that moved me to reflect deeply on the cost of mission work and the part God calls me to play. |
During Chinese New Year, I got to take a cross-Taiwan father-son bike trip with my dad. It was a really awesome time of bonding, something I am tremendously grateful for. Though my knee and back are likely permanently damaged as a result of the trip, my heart is forever fuller because of the time we spent together. |
2014 was also the year I got to teach elementary again! I was so blessed with this class and had such a wonderful time teaching at CAIS. Even being hired at CAIS is a story in itself - one that God again orchestrated. Teacher's aren't supposed to say they have favourites, but since I'm not a teacher anymore, I can say that this class was the best. 6L forever! |
God had been planting on our hearts the idea to leave our jobs to go on a year-long trip to explore the possibility of missions for a while. At the end of 2013, we made the decision to quit our jobs not sure our time with OMF would line up. But God, who works all things for the good of those who love him and have been called according to His purpose, brought us to Taiwan. In June, we said our bittersweet goodbyes to our friends and colleagues at CAIS. |
After 4 years of Inline Hockey in Hong Kong, I finally taste championship glory. Let it go on record that I did not contribute much to our victory, and the age-old adage "No I in TEAM" still rings true here. The team carried me despite me being a liability. |
In July we returned to Vancouver for weddings and friends. It's always great to be "home", though "home" gets confusing after being away for a while. |
I (Tintin) finally learned how to play Mahjong. I can now confidently gamble with the best of them (and lose all my money). |
In the summer, we helped my sister and Glen move into their new place on Vancouver Island. It was really great to see the two of them doing well. |
One of the things I'm most grateful for this year is that my mom didn't die. Seriously. We went for a little excursion to the local waterfalls and thought it would be fun to jump off the waterfall. When mom's turn came, she slipped on the ledge and plunged back-first into the water, hitting her head and back on the cliff wall. At the hospital we found out that she had only bruised her ribs. We are so thankful she walked away with only minor injuries. |
Ay! Ay! Probably the furthest we have or will ever travel for a wedding - the Canary Islands. Highschool buddy Steve got married to his beautiful wife Daniele. It was an honour to be a part of his wedding. |
While in that area of the world, we visited Barcelona and Madrid. AMAZING food, and beautiful architecture. Such a chill place. Tapas are the best! |
In August we officially said "see you later" to HK... |
...and "hello" to Puxin.
Being in Taiwan has taught us so much not only about the missionary life, but about dependence on God and His plans for our future. Being in Taiwan has helped us realize that we need to know Him better and be better equipped in handling His Word. We've since had to make some big decisions about the future. |
In November, we got to spend 2 weeks babysitting missionary kids at a workshop down in southern Taiwan. It was such an eye-opening experience spending all day with little ones, changing diapers and dealing with criers. It was good to practice on other people's kids before doing it with our own. |
In November we met up with Michelle's family in Korea. Besides seeing Jeju Island which is really pretty, my highlight was vomiting violently after eating bad food. |
My parents came to Taiwan to visit for a few days. We went to Tainan for a few days to explore and try out all the local food. |
Christmas in Taiwan was another big highlight. We, along with two short termers: Diana from Slovenia and Darren from Singapore, celebrated Christmas with the Chens. We had a great time sharing Christ with all our neighbours in Puxin.
So that in a recap was our 2014. I don't think in any other time in our lives have we been as stretched in our faith. But God is so good. He only promises to give us what we can handle. What an assurance to know that God is not after our comfort but after growth in Christ-likeness. We look forward to 2015 knowing that God has much in store as He continues to refine us.
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ." - Philippians 1:6
Blessings in the Lord for 2015!
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