"Why God so good? Don't know. He is!"
On Friday night, Michelle's school organized a BBQ social at a golf club to welcome the new teachers and thank the returning teachers and their families for their service to the school. At first I was a bit wary of going since I heard the friends I hang out with (colleague husbands like me) weren't going to be there. But it turned out to be such an enjoyable evening with a divine appointment as well!
At first, we were treated to some coaching from a golf instructor at the driving range. I learned that I was winding up too much and holding my club like a bat. I think I learned the poor technique from Happy Gilmore. Anyhow, nice to just smack balls since I haven't done that for a while.
The food was really great as well. The school treated us well. We also had some nice company and got to get some of the colleagues a bit better.
But the best part of the evening was when I ran into a gentleman by the name of Howard Robinson. I was lining up for the food when I saw him approaching and I recognized him as someone who I knew. Then it dawned on me that Howard was the team leader of a construction Short Term's Missions I took to Kunming 3 years ago. His kids go to the school and he serves on the school board. What a small world! What a divine appointment.
Howard, unknowingly, was actually a catalyst in my journey here to Hong Kong. It was 3 years ago when I came back in 2008 seeking for God's direction in my life after university that I opened myself to the possibility to being in Asia. This was when I was very interested in pursuing Michelle but needed to know that God was calling me into that relationship. I signed up for several Missions trips that half a year. It was a wonderful time of seeing the world and seeking God's will.
One day while I was in HK 3 years ago, my sister brought back a promotional booklet from the Christian bookstore published by the organization Howard serves at. He sends work teams into different places to build, renovate, and fix ministry centers/homes. I was immediately drawn and signed up for a trip to go to Kunming. You can see the pictures here.
Kunming Photo Album
I remember that trip so vividly because it was a time when I really struggled with the idea of a home. I felt like a wanderer because so much of me didn't fit into the cultures I had encountered. During those months in HK, I felt homesick and out of place because though I was born in this place, I couldn't read or write the language people presumed I would know. In China, I even more alien in a place where I looked like the majority but could barely articulate my thoughts. In Vancouver, I felt a longing to go elsewhere because I felt God had placed a burden on my heart for the people in China. So the struggles of "who am I?", and "where do I belong?" surfaced during this trip.
At Kunming I came to the realization that this world isn't my home anyways, much akin to what Hebrews 13:16 and Philippians 3:20 say. We fix our eyes towards our heavenly home. We can't hold too tightly to what we have here on earth because it's not meant to be ours to hold on to. And as I learned from Steve, the worker whose house we built, God can call us elsewhere at any time. It's best not to be too heavily rooted in a certain place.
After the trip and my time in HK I went back to Vancouver and finished my education degree and started teaching. I never thought I would be back in HK much less run into Howard again. But it's so neat to see that God brings things full circle. Three years ago I came to HK searching for God's will and his calling for ministry. I sought for a semblance of home. I didn't even have a girlfriend. Now I'm back in HK for the foreseeable future with the wife I had prayed for those long months I had spent here. Seeing Howard again reminds me that God has been so good to me. Never did I ever think my life would have turned out this way. But God has charted out my life in a way that is beyond what I could have ever imagined or written myself.
The last year, Michelle and I have seen sign after sign of God's affirmation for us to be here in HK: from having our jobs, getting our place, planning our wedding, deepening friendships, and meeting new people. Once in a while we have these divine appointments/coincidences that are a sure sign of his Hand. And in all of this we relearn the richness of God's goodness and His mighty love for us. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." We see this truth more and more each day.
Why God so good? Don't know. Just is!
thanks for sharing your thoughts and journey :)
ReplyDeleteside note - why is mich using a right-handed golf club?
She found out she can swing better this way :) Maybe she's a latent right-hander.