Wednesday, August 11, 2010

new sight and sounds

Hi everyone.  It's me Michelle! Tintin says it's my turn to post since he posted the last 2. It has been difficult to decide what to write about because my mind and being has been overwhelmed by new sights and sounds. So, on that note, I shall share in particularly the new sight and sounds I am getting acquainted to in HK.

Sights -

My Apartment:

It's so weird to have my own apartment. The night I walked into the place, I just loved it! The place was well furnished with an amazing view of the HK harbour. I was so excited to have my own place that I unpacked 3 of 4 luggages that night. (I think it was also motivated by the need to feel rooted in a place). The next few days, my sister and I went grocery and kitchen-ware shopping. It's amazing how much you need to buy to just get by. Mom/Dad- thanks for spending so much money all these years buying thousands of toilet paper rolls for me. Also, I find that with my own apartment now, I like to keep it neat. I find myself doing my tidying than I would at home. I guess it's true that I do take parents for granted when I live at home.

Here are some pictures of my new place. Check them out!

my room

the living room
the kitchen 

sitting area

eating/work area
sis' room

Sounds -


There are a lot of noise in HK, whether it be angry taxi drivers slamming the horns to hearing the incessant chatter of people in crowded fast food restaurants. It's incredible how much the human mind can just zone them all out. And then there are cell phones. You can somehow hear cell phone ringing quite frequently. Then, there is your own too. I can imagine it can get quite annoying, always having to be tied to the phone. With all the noise from the outside, it's nice to find quietness at home. But what's ironic too is that the absence of sounds makes me feel lonely too. Weird, eh? The presence of what we call as "noise" actually, at times, may reminds us of our human connectedness, regardless of how obnoxious it could be. And maybe that's why some need to have noise around them to remind them of their existence. In any case, I hope that you will pray with me in both the quietness and the noise, I may hear the soft "noises" of God's voice that remind me of my existence and purpose.

Now to leave you with some random photo capturings of the day:

what's funny guys?

tintin at 75

these happy meal toys at McDees were part of the "What is your future" Hello Kitty Line. I guess becoming a bride can be an aspiring occupation. 

you can be a Mcdee's ambassador!
can you spot the scandelous occupation? 


  1. the living/dining room is on an angle?
    what floor are you staying at?

  2. wow! great pictures of your apartment! it looks quite modern! i guess i'm used to seeing what's on hk tv shows, which aren't necessarily a reflection of reality :P

    oh oh, i was trying to spot what was funny in the photo...all i'm coming up with is a mary poppins reference to the umbrella!

    and yes! some occupations indeed!

    hope you and tintin are well!

    and yes! I noticed your login name too...!

  3. oh, p.s. this is amanda :)

  4. i have a cell phone now and it's driving me crazy carrying it around. i don't even get calls that often (maybe 2-3 times a week) but i open it and look at it every 5 minutes. i hate my life.

  5. Aaron! do not hate your life!
